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Extended Essay 专题论文: How to use Quick Cite

How to export citation to NoodleTools


The Quick Cite feature lets you export formatted source reference from a website or online database.

Note: Many online databases support direct citation export option, which is the best option when it is available. Check out our Huili digital resource page.

Step 1.

Log into the database.

Step 2.

Type in keywords.

Step 3.

Explore and make your selection, then click the 'cite' button once you've made your choice.

Step 4:

Click "export to NoodelTools"

Step 5.

Choose the project you wish to import.

Step 6.

Return to NoodleTools and verify if the citation has been successfully imported.



How to Copy and Paste a Preformatted Citation


The Quick Cite feature lets you copy and paste a pre-formatted source reference from a website or online database.

Note: Many online databases support direct citation export option, which is the best option when it is available. Check out our Huili digital resource page.

Step 1.

On the Sources screen, click New Source. Click the "Quick cite: Copy & paste a citation" link at top of the form. The citation form will change to display a single "Manually-edited citation" text box.

Step 2. 

Copy your pre-formatted source citation into the "Manually-edited citation" text box.

Step 3.

Follow the steps in the yellow box to review and make corrections to the citation where needed. Use the formatting "Guide" (blue tab) at the top of the page to help you.

Step 4. 

Enter the publication or copyright date of the source. This will help sort the entry in relation to your other references. If you leave this blank, NoodleTools will do its best to parse the date out of the reference you pasted in.

Step 5.

If your source is online, but your citation for the source does not include a URL, you can enter a URL in the separate field provided. This allows NoodleTools to add a "View live web page" link on the Sources screen, allowing you to return to the online source easily.

Step 6.

Click Save. The reference will appear on the Sources screen with a note at the bottom, "This is a copy of a pre-formatted citation." This note does not appear when the source list is exported or printed.