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Extended Essay 专题论文: FAQ


The questions listed below are picked from IB Answers.

For Students:

  1. What is a reasonable number of secondary sources?
  2. Is the abstract a mandatory component of the Extended Essay?
  3. What language should the RPPF be completed in? The language of the school or the language the essay is written in? 
  4. Could you clarify the use of profanity in an Extended Essay? 
  5. Are any appendices that are included with the Extended Essay counted in the word count? 
  6. Can a candidate write an Extended Essay in a subject that is not offered in the school?
  7. Is it possible to use the same text that I used for my internal assessment for my Studies in Language and Literature Extended Essay? 
  8. Are epigraphs included in the word count? 
  9. Could you clarify how tables affect word count? 
  10. Can a student write their business management extended essay and internal assessment on the same company? 
  11. In the economics extended essay, is the five-year rule considered from when the student starts writing the essay or from when the work is submitted to the IB? 
  12. Can a student use sources written in another language than the Extended Essay? 
  13. Can an interview be used for Extended Essay? Does it have to be transcribed? 
  14. What percentage of an extended essay as a maximum should be quotations? 
  15. Can a student base their extended essay or engagement activity for global politics on a place where they are employed? 

For Supervisors:

  1. Where can I find the Extended Essay grade boundaries to help with calculating a predicted grade? 
  2. A student wants to change their EE subject and supervisor. Should the process be started again from the initial first meeting and reflection? Do they need to explain the issues and why they selected another subject? 
  3. Is the school allowed to mark the first draft of an EE and give the student a mark to motivate them? 
  4. A student's RPPF for her Extended Essay is lacking her supervisor's initial(s). The teacher resigned yesterday. Is it allowed for the coordinator to sign instead of the supervisor? 
  5. Where is the mark scheme for the Extended Essay? 

For Higher Education:

  1. Can students submit their extended essay to a prospective university as part of their university application? 
  2. Extended Essay. A student performed a good experiment for a local science fair and won a prize. Can they use the same project as the Extended Essay? 


What is a reasonable number of secondary sources?

We do not stipulate numbers of sources. The only guidance we issue is that
sources should only be cited when used and referenced in the EE itself. The selection and use of sources are assessed throughout criteria A to C and as such the supervisor should give feedback on whether the sources are being used as the criteria require.



 Is the abstract a mandatory component of the Extended Essay? 

These are available on all Extended Essay subject reports on the subject pages of the Programme Resource Centre. Predicted grades however are based on the qualitative grade descriptors alone. 


What language should the RPPF be completed in? The language of the school or the language the essay is written in?

Both the candidate and the supervisor must complete the RPPF form in the same language as the Extended Essay. This includes all languages for Extended Essays in Studies in Language and Literature and Language Acquisition subject groups. 


Extended Essay. Could you clarify the use of profanity in an Extended Essay? 

Provided a topic is academically grounded, then an examiner would be open to assess it based on its academic merits. A linguistic analysis of lyrics that use expletives is a typical example of this - a sensitive approach to this would be for the student to asterisk certain letters of the words so that they can be inferred but not explicit. Provided the proposed topic has academic grounding, often confirmed by the availability of credible secondary sources, then it may be justifiable even if controversial. 


Are any appendices that are included with the Extended Essay counted in the word count? 

They are not included in the word count and the examiner doesn’t need to read them so they should not contain anything central to the essay. 


Can a candidate write an Extended Essay in a subject that is not offered in the school? 

They can as long as the school has an appropriately qualified supervisor to guide the student. The student and supervisor should also make sure they read the IB syllabus for the subject as well as the appropriate subject chapter in the Extended Essay guide. This is to ensure they are familiar with the concepts/methodology of the subject. 


Is it possible to use the same text that I used for my internal assessment for my Studies in Language and Literature Extended Essay? 

Effective May 2021 this is not permitted, and schools will be advised not to upload work for assessment where students have overlooked this rule. Students can, however, study other texts from the same author. 


Extended Essay. Are epigraphs included in the word count? 

Yes, treated as quotations. 


Could you clarify how tables affect word count? 

The tables are used as a neat way to present brief data. We wouldn't expect sentences and explanation of key processes in a table. If the table contains other information than data (e.g. Processes) then we would say this is improper use of tables and those tables should be included in the word count (there could be a statement on title sheet say x words including tables on pages x and x), however the safest way to do this and clearest is to present that information in a way other than a table - and therefore it's included in the word count. 


Can a student write their business management extended essay and internal assessment on the same company? 

It is acceptable for a student to write their extended essay and internal assessment on the same company, however the research question, nature of the research, and the outcomes must be different.  

Note: Both plagiarism and collusion are forms of malpractice that incur a penalty. The same piece of work, or two versions of the same work, cannot be submitted to meet the requirements of both the extended essay and another assessment component of a subject contributing to the diploma or an additional certificate. 


In the economics extended essay, is the five-year rule considered from when the student starts writing the essay or from when the work is submitted to the IB? 

The five-year cut-off point for economics data is five years before the work is submitted to the IB. 


Can a student use sources written in another language than the Extended Essay? 

Yes. Please see more information here:§ion=4 


Can an interview be used for Extended Essay? Does it have to be transcribed? 

If the student wishes to transcribe the interview they have conducted, it may be included as an appendix. If there is a filmed version of the interview saved for example on a personal YouTube account, that link may be referenced as per normal referencing rules of the chosen system. 


What percentage of an extended essay as a maximum should be quotations? 

This is down to supervisor/candidate opinion. There is no limit that we mandate with regards to referencing and citation, but obviously when using direct quotations from other people, the candidate may be limiting the opportunities to personalize the essay and address some of the other criteria within the 4,000 word limit - the nature of the essay after all is to engage in personal research through extensive reflection, as stated in the Extended essay guide. The candidate may wish to consider paraphrasing some of the citations and check that the quotes are supported within the essay, so that they are not superfluous. 


Can a student base their extended essay or engagement activity for global politics on a place where they are employed? 

It’s fine to base engagement activity on a place where the candidate already works, however, the IB advises that the candidate evaluates their experience(s) with research and aims to have multiple perspectives. 


Where can I find the Extended Essay grade boundaries to help with calculating a predicted grade? 

These are available on all Extended Essay subject reports on the subject pages of the Programme Resource Centre. Predicted grades however are based on the qualitative grade descriptors alone. 


A student wants to change their EE subject and supervisor. Should the process be started again from the initial first meeting and reflection? Do they need to explain the issues and why they selected another subject? 

The initial reflection should stand, the interim onwards should be redone and yes, it should include detail of why they have changed direction. This all has academic worth. 


Is the school allowed to mark the first draft of an EE and give the student a mark to motivate them? 

They shouldn’t mark the essay as that is not their role, and it can be misleading. They have to assign a predicted grade for assessment purposes – whether they start thinking about this earlier in the process and share this with the student as they progress for the reasons they state is a school decision. 


A student's RPPF for her Extended Essay is lacking her supervisor's initial(s). The teacher resigned yesterday. Is it allowed for the coordinator to sign instead of the supervisor? 

If the supervisor has left the school, the IB coordinator can sign the coversheet (RPPF) as long as the issue of authenticity can be guaranteed. 


Where is the mark scheme for the Extended Essay? 

There is no mark scheme for the Extended Essay. Essays are assessed against the criteria which are set out in the guide. 


Can students submit their extended essay to a prospective university as part of their university application? 

The extended essay is used widely in the university application process. Provided this is not being submitted for an assessment elsewhere then it would be permissible. It should be clearly stated that it is the extended essay as part of the Diploma Programme. Taken from the Extended essay guide: “In those countries where it is the norm for interviews to be required prior to acceptance for employment or for a place at university, the extended essay has often proved to be a valuable stimulus for discussion.” 


A student performed a good experiment for a local science fair and won a prize. Can they use the same project as the Extended Essay? 

The EE must be written for the purposes of the EE – they can use the data that they collected, but it would need to be refocused and the EE must be for IB purposes only. The reason being that a) the criteria require a focused EE not a general essay in a subject – this would disadvantage the student severely if the essay is not written to the criteria and b) papers submitted to competitions etc attract feedback – and this advantages a student and means that if they take on board the feedback, not all the work is authentic. To ensure compliance with IB academic honesty rules, the essay will have to formally be submitted to the school as final for assessment, complete with all reflections before it is shared for any other purpose. The school must ensure the candidate understands that the version submitted to the school is the final version for assessment before they share the work for other purposes - be it for publishing, competition or as part of university entrance processes. This may mean an earlier deadline in theory for the student, so they would want to ensure this isn’t detrimental. When used for a secondary purpose the student should also self-reference the EE and state that the work was originally created to satisfy their DP EE requirements, should the submission for the secondary purpose be discovered during plagiarism checks. We appreciate that the extended essay is a significant undertaking and that for students it can serve a purpose beyond their IB qualification - we permit this with very strong requirements of the school to manage such situations in the way outlined here. 

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