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Reading: Dystopian 反乌托邦



Dystopian literature is a genre of fictional writing used to explore social and political structures in 'a dark, nightmare world'. A dystopia is an imagined community or society that is dehumanizing and frightening. A dystopia is an antonym of a utopia, which is a perfect society. Most dystopian fiction is written for young adults and adults, but we do have some that are written for Secondary pupils.

反乌托邦文学是一种虚构写作类型,用于探索黑暗、噩梦世界中的社会和政治结构。 反乌托邦是一个想象中的社区或社会,是非人性化和可怕的。 反乌托邦是乌托邦的反义词,乌托邦是一个完美的社会。 大多数反乌托邦小说都是为年轻人和成年人写的,但确实也有一些乌托邦小说是为中学生写的。


Common characteristics:

  • Often takes place after an apocalyptic event in the future

  • Obstacles include attacking aliens, robots, zombies, etc and/or survival in an apocalyptic wasteland, including disease outbreaks or totalitarian governments

  • The protagonists’ goals are usually to help themselves and others survive or overthrow the antagonists

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